I like writing (mostly in my diary), making lists, and dreaming. Since I'm buying my first house this year I think this would be the appopriate time to start a blog. I am usually bursting with ideas (especially now) and kind of want a place to track all of them, receive feedback as well inspire others, oh and keep track of my projects!
A little about me...
I work as an Interior Designer and do space planning for a commercial furniture company. I don't necessarily get my creative fix from that type of job, so I have to find ways on my own to get it out (exactly why I'm dying to get my own house!!) Most of my friends/family have pointed out my obsessive list making and/or obsessive organizing. I've fully come to terms with it and now actually enjoy it. I have dreams of owning my own professional organizing/design firm someday (sick?), oh and a coffee shop too.

Besides all of that, I moved to Las Vegas about a year ago to be with my boyfriend, Johnny (see photo-he's special :)). I've finally become accustomed to the strange lifestyle and the strange people, oh and living with a boy!! :) We are in the process of buying our first home in the southwest part of Vegas (and currently living with his parents...interesting). It's a great home but very tract/standard/nothing unique...oh and we haven't even closed escrow on it...so this blog may be short lived. :) It's a little hard for me because my dream home is a loft or condo above a coffee shop in Seattle (or some other great city) but this works for now, and cost of living is MUCH more tolerable. Since I'm a cheap ass and am usually stressed about money I am very happy with our decision and the life we will make here for who knows how long!
A little about me...
I work as an Interior Designer and do space planning for a commercial furniture company. I don't necessarily get my creative fix from that type of job, so I have to find ways on my own to get it out (exactly why I'm dying to get my own house!!) Most of my friends/family have pointed out my obsessive list making and/or obsessive organizing. I've fully come to terms with it and now actually enjoy it. I have dreams of owning my own professional organizing/design firm someday (sick?), oh and a coffee shop too.

Besides all of that, I moved to Las Vegas about a year ago to be with my boyfriend, Johnny (see photo-he's special :)). I've finally become accustomed to the strange lifestyle and the strange people, oh and living with a boy!! :) We are in the process of buying our first home in the southwest part of Vegas (and currently living with his parents...interesting). It's a great home but very tract/standard/nothing unique...oh and we haven't even closed escrow on it...so this blog may be short lived. :) It's a little hard for me because my dream home is a loft or condo above a coffee shop in Seattle (or some other great city) but this works for now, and cost of living is MUCH more tolerable. Since I'm a cheap ass and am usually stressed about money I am very happy with our decision and the life we will make here for who knows how long!
Your soon to be house looks kick ass! Congrats!
Oh, if you do start that organizer/desiger/coffee shop business, can I come work for you?!
Can you start it SOON?!
Awww thank you for being a 'follower'...yes!!! you can sell me furniture first and then come work for me!!!
A Riddle for Morgan:
Organization is the key
to living very successfully
File, label, store accordingly
and dont forget to spend affordinly
Yay...love the blog idea. Good way to keep myself posted on your house adventures without having to bug you while you are at work!
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