Let's do a rundown of the house...just for fun (sorry a bit fuzzy...)!!

All open, already tiled and already painted beige. Going to try to leave it that way since there are vaulted ceilings and a stairwell...don't want to attempt to paint that just yet.... So, downstairs should be pretty easy and will progress later. We already have the furniture...so nothing new. Oh and I want to have a 'coffee bar' area. Heaven :)

Downstairs half bath will be painted chocolate brown. Then I'm going to use white and hot pink as accents. I bought these great white frames at target (5x7) 2 for $1.24 BARGAIN BIN!!! (That should be my theme for this house adventure!). I think I will photoshop up some cool photos for those. Maybe a collage of Pancho (our beautiful black cat :)...see pic) and his new buddy Nacho (the dog we will eventually get)?
Outside will be new and fun. Never really had a yard of my own after years of dorm and apartment life. It is already landscaped (woohoo). Has a decent amount of grass and trees/rocks surrounding that. There is plenty of room for seating and a BBQ! Perfect! For now we just need to bring it back to life a little and we want to plant some bushes along the block wall for privacy since it's too low. Thank goodness Johnny's mom has a greent thumb and Johnny is super excited to mow the lawn! Oh, and my coworker promised to give me an Aloe Vera plant...I am on my way to being a seasoned gardener :)

Don't want to put a desk and 'business' stuff in that open loft so plan to put our huge bookcase there and make it a reading area. I want to get a papason chair and a lamp or something and just make it a cozy place to sit that's NOT in front of a TV. Also, Johnny spends hours going through his baseball cards...he can use this area for that.
Master bedroom...well, see above. Eventually I want to replace lighting and ceiling flans...they are a bit outdated. Oh, and I can't wait to organize the walk in closet WOOHOO!!
My plans for guest bath and bed are just totally shot. I was going over my color schemes with Johnny and he took the colors from the guest bed to master bed (see the above bedding). He messed me all up now!!! I have an existing brown comforter and was going to use that and do ice blue walls in the guest and then blue walls and chocolate towels in the bath, but if I did it would just be brown and blue overkill. So for now I'm banking on finding a really cool pillow and taking the colors from that. Maybe a green?
As for the guest bath...oh, that's going to be fun! I want to make it like a spa!! So maybe the green from the guest, and white? I want to have toiletries and 'extras' of stuff so that if you are visiting and forget something, we will have it! Going to try and make it an awesome place to come visit (HINT HINT!!!).
(PS...ALL of the bedrooms have walk-in closets...I know ...I'm spoiled lol)
3rd Bedroom ... My favorite room, yet the least completed (in my head).
This will be the office, arts and crafts room. Need to eventually get a new desk or something that both of us can have our laptops and printer, etc. Still at a loss for finding that in a reasonable price range. Not up for spending hundreds of dollars on it! I found this amazing one at Pottery Barn (see photo) but it's $1100!!! I was thinking of making it, but that might be pretty expensive too. I asked one of our installers at work to piece something together from the warehouse and so far he has a pedestal (in furniture world...2 small drawers and a file folder drawer). Also have my drafting table that will mostly be used as a beading table (kinda want to start selling jewelry!) As for colors? No idea. I really like this deep purple and burnt orange combo I keep seeing but not sure how to pull that into this room. This room will most likely be done later on. (see below for orange and purple theme I like...thanks to Hostess with the Mostess)

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